Teekkarikuoro is a mixed choir from Hervanta campus of Tampere University, and even today it "makes teekkaris* proud and everyone else jealous”, as was stated in the application advert in 1985. Most of the singers are students of technology, but the 50 members of the choir also include Masters of Science and people from other academic fields.
Johanna Lantto, conductor of Teekkarikuoro
Johanna Lantto has conducted Teekkarikuoro for more than fifteen years and during that time, the choir has published all of its three albums.
The latest album Tumman taivaan taika (2022) consists of both brand new and older Christmas choir music. The magical atmosphere of the dark arctic winter, the light of the sparkling snow and candles, shining hope to the people huddling together, are the themes of the album.
Published in 2016, Alussa oli insinööri takes a humane approach to technology, students of technology and Tampere.
From choir, with love
The choir is passionate about music but never forgets to have fun while singing. Teekkarikuoro aspires to have a lively tone and a versatile repertoire, which was acknowledged at Tampereen Sävel Chorus Reviews in 2017 and 2019, as the choir was awarded one golden stamp in each of them.
The emphasis of the choir’s repertoire is on popular music, both Finnish and non-Finnish pop and rock, but the repertoire also includes classical choir compositions and folk songs and songs by different vocal ensembles (Rajaton, Club for Five, King's Singers).
Drinking songs and Tuopin täydeltä album
Teekkarikuoro specializes in drinking songs, which you can hear on the choir’s first album Tuopin täydeltä (2010). The album includes both new drinking songs and traditional ones that you can also find in the TUT drinking song book Rasputin.
Concerts and other performances of Teekkarikuoro
Teekkarikuoro has two concerts each year, and in addition to that, it performs in numerous occasions, both on the university premises and elsewhere. You can find information about upcoming concerts in the choir’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Other annual traditions of the choir include an arrangement competition and a drinking song competition, open to all fans of drinking songs. The purpose of these events is to maintain the academic singing tradition of Finnish university students, and to produce new material for the choir to sing.
Vocal group TeekkariKvartti
The vocal group of the group performs in many different events. You can use this form to book us!
Teekkarikuoro off-duty
In addition to a weekly chour practice, Teekkarikuoro organizes different events to its members at least once a month. These events include sauna evenings, excursions and camps, to name a few. The traditional band event TALent Hervanta allows choir members to experiment in progressive rock, cello duets, lovey-dovey-ballads, German heavy metal or whatever they come up with.
Choir spirit
There is a lot more to Teekkarikuoro than just singing - during all their adventures, the choir members have shared countless unforgettable moments, both outside and inside practice rooms and concert halls.
*teekkari = student of technology in a Finnish university
**tuoppi = a beer pint