Join Teekkarikuoro

Do you want to sing outside the shower? Are you looking for a hobby that combines music, having fun and learning Finnish in a perfect way? Come and join us in Teekkarikuoro! The choir has open rehearsals in the beginning of every spring and fall semester of our university. That is an opportunity for you you to come and see what it’s like to sing in Teekkarikuoro. Our conductor will audition everyone who wants to join. The location of our rehearsals is RH215.

The next open rehearsals will be in the beginning of autumn season of 2025. Join us to listen and/or sing! At the rehearsals more information will be given about the auditions and joining the choir.

Jos et malta odottaa seuraaviin avoimiin harjoituksiin asti, voit ottaa yhteyttä kuoronjohtajaan kuoronjohtaja(a) ja sopia koelauluista!

If you are interested in joining Teekkarikuoro, follow this website or our Facebook page. for recruitment announcements. In case you have any questions about Teekkarikuoro, our organization or about singing in a choir in general, feel free to follow us social media or contact our board or our conductor.

Hankkeen pääsponsorin Garaza, suomalaisen muslimimuodin brändin, tuella.
