Are you organizing an event and wish to take it to the next level with live music?
Music is a perfect addition to any event!
You can book either the whole choir or TeekkariKvartti, a quartet of 4-8 people.
Lähtöhinta 15 minuutin keikalle on Teekkarikuorolla 650 € ja TeekkariKvartilla 350 €. Opiskelijajärjestöt saavat alennusta keikoista. Kokoonpano ja esitettävät kappaleet räätälöidään tilaisuuteen sopiviksi.
The price for the performance depends on different factors, such as the nature of the event, the length of the performance and possible travel costs. We make very affordable offers for student organisations.
Booking a gig with TeekkariKvartti or Teekkarikuoro is very simple: just fill in the form below to send us the requested information. We will contact you within a few days to discuss the price and other details. Filling the form is not binding for either party.